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28/09/2026 - 01/10/2026
Paris Expo, Porte de Versailles


Immersive Experience
with Climate Sense

6th Edition of the

Workshop : Practical application
Renodays by Batimat

of energy insecurity

of Construction

Prize of architectural 
requalification of co-ownership

« vos déchets = 1 œuvre d’art ! »

« Chantiers Bavards » with Déborah & Paul – La Grange

L'Expo Réno

Immersive Experience with Climate Sense 

BATIMAT hosted Climate Sense, a unique immersive experience designed by Christian Clot, explorer-researcher and founder and CEO of the Human Adaptation Institute. This is a climatic chamber designed to simulate a space and life situations allowing us to realize the realities of a life at +50°C. Visitors, immersed for 30 minutes in these conditions, They were able to understand the impacts of extreme climates on the body and human health, social organizations and the planet. A series of “explanatory bubbles” accompany the device to provide elements of understanding and ideas for reflection.


6th Edition of the « MEILLEURS ARTISANS DE FRANCE » on RMC

Known for its craftsmen who are the bearers of excellence and valuable expertise, the craftmanship sector remains to be supported.

RMC and Worldskills France have once again joined forces to launch the 6th edition of the “Meilleurs artisans de France” awards, which has attracted over 1,400 artisans since its creation.

The artisans competed in two days at the end of which the juries met to elect the winners of this 2024 edition.

Key moments : 

  • RMC "Super Moscato Show" live from the "Meilleurs artisans de France"
  • Award ceremony for the best craftsmen 


Dorémi - Workshop at Renodays by Batimat

Renodays by Batimat
The unique opportunity to dive into the backstage of efficient renovation !

Dorémi is a social and solidarity economy company created in 2017, and a Qualiopi-certified training organization.

20 workshops were led by a team of building professionals :

On a stand of more than 60 m2, with 2 technical facilities and a materials library, visitors were able to discover the field of expertise of experts around efficient energy renovation of individual houses.

Thus, they were able to understand the energy renovation in a global way : double-flow ventilation system, summer comfort, air tightness, migration of steam, roofing... and learn about proven installation methods and techniques.

Fresco of Energy Insecurity

collaborative workshop of 1:30, both board game and mind map, to understand the issues related to this scourge that affects millions of French people !

Indeed, the extent of the phenomenon and the negative impact on the lives of people trapped in the vicious circle of energy insecurity is poorly measured. Yet there are solutions and levers for action.

They involve a large number of actors from multiple worlds : social workers, volunteers, caregivers, energy suppliers, craftsmen, employees of local authorities, urban planners...

This fresco allowed visitors to become aware of the subject, to inform themselves and to mobilize on existing solutions.


The Autodiag playful workshop : awareness on the subject of energy insecurity, this workshop allows to become aware of the consequences related to housing in a «energy-draining building» and then provide solutions to get out of this situation.

Fresco of Construction

A fun and collaborative workshop focused on the subject of construction to meet the challenges of climate change !

The fresco allows us to capture in a playful way the environmental and social issues related to this sector.

This 45-card game is inspired by the Climate Fresco and is adapted to the construction field.

It is structured around 5 subjects :

  • needs
  • urban planning
  • design
  • construction
  • use and consequences

Prize of the architectural requalification of co-ownership

Renodays by Batimat 

UNSFA and CAH have teamed up to launch this 2nd edition

The prize highlights the architectural act, which goes beyond simple technical improvements to give residents the happiness and pride of living in their new building with increased performances.


  • Architectural requalification of Ancient Heritage
  • Architectural requalification of buildings from the 1960s and beyond
  • Architectural requalification with elevation or densification

" Vos déchets = une oeuvre d'art " Exhibition

An exhibition of works of art made from production waste, recycled elements from exhibiting companies.

This exhibition has been able to highlight pieces proposed by artists of the art gallery Sabrina Lucas (in Nantes) : using industrial waste, custom-made works of art are created !

The first goal of this initiative was to raise awareness among all visitors and to bring a strong message about our CSR commitment : let’s value recycling and sustainability !

This approach is part of the decarbonisation strategy of many companies, involving and valuing the work of employees on the one hand, and offering artists access to sometimes expensive materials such as steel or wood on the other.

« Chantiers Bavards » - An event organized with Paul Barnier et Déborah - La Grange 

Déborah and Paul are engaged in a crazy project to renovate a barn. Through social networks, they share with their community the progress and the different stages of this renovation; from the purchase to the final entrance into the house.

Then, they had the idea of launching «Chantiers Bavards» aperitif meetings around the community of renovation and construction to move from virtual (world of social networks) to real.

The meeting focused on a question: " Why are social media so important in the construction world today ? "


L' Expo Réno - Construction21

The global renovation in co-ownership, it is possible !

An example : seven French territories have valued successful operations with awards ceremonies*, in order to inspire all stakeholders (co-owners, trustees, contractors, companies...) and to allow these local initiatives to be duplicated for a national impact. For the first time on Batimat, the " Expo Réno" by Construction21 presented these projects with key figures, visuals, stakeholders, details of the works and energy gains achieved.

  *Awards ceremonies organized in partnership with Construction21 as part of the " Rénovons Collectif program ", financed by the energy saving certificates scheme. Involved territories : departments of Yvelines, Aix-Marseille-Provence, Paris-Saclay, Toulouse Métropole, Eurométropole de Metz, Grand Nancy, Melun Val de Seine.

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